Lady of the Lake
The Lady of the Lake was
generally referred to by different
spellings of the
names Nimue or Vivienne. Water deities were
popular with Celtic
Society because they controlled the very being
of life itself.
The automatic flow of the of rivers, lakes, and streams
showed mystical powers
of the goddesses who lived within them
and giving offering to
these water deities were commonplace,
especially offering of weapons
and other valuables. Today the practice is
carried out through the
tossing of coins into wishing wells, with the
Lady of the Lake being
thought of as Lady Luck.
Merlin met The Lady of
the Lake and fell immediately in love with her.
His love for her was so
great that he agreed to teach her all his
mystical powers.
The lady became the recorder of Merlin's
prophecies, as well as
his lover. Through the years, the Lady of the
Lake's powers grew greatly.
She became more powerful than her
teacher, Merlin.
After leaving Arthur, Vivienne kept Merlin in a cave, which
after many years, he realized
it was his prison and he was powerless to leave.
Vivienne, the Lady of the Lake beguiles Merlin
The Lady of the Lake is
best known for giving the sword Excalibur
to King Arthur.
Vivienne asked Merlin to bring Arthur to her.
Arthur arrived at the
mystical lake as the first rays of sun sparkled
on the waters. Rising
from the water, Vivienne carried a glorious
sword in her hand. The
sword's blade was blue steel.
and the hilt was twisted
ivory and gold. The scabbard was also
silver and covered with
precious stones.
Arthur reached down and
accepted the magnificent sword, Excalibur,
from the Lady of the Lake.
Vivienne knew that the sword pleased
Arthur and told him it
was made for him and him alone and that no
other mortal could ever
touch the sword. She told him it would serve
him faithfully and well,
but that she must ask him for one thing in
return. Vivienne
told Arthur that he was young and had many
years of fame and glory
ahead, but as all great kings, he was also
mortal and one day would
die. When the day of death comes, she told
Arthur that he must return
the sword to the water from whence it came.
If not, the spell on the
sword would be broken and the sword would
rust and tarnish away,
as would the memory of Arthur's name.
Arthur promised to do
as she had asked. He thanked her, but could not
take his eyes off the
incredibly beautiful scabbard. The lady told Arthur
the scabbard had powers
far exceeding that of the sword, because not
only would the scabbard
protect the sword, it would protect his life.
No harm would ever come
to whomever wore the scabbard and
she told Arthur he should
protect the sword with his life.
As Arthur took the sword
and prepared to return to his kingdom,
Merlin told Arthur that
he didn't need him anymore. As he told him to go,
he also told him his heart
went with him.
Arthur receives Excalibur from The
Lady of the Lake
Knights of the Round Table Morgan
Le Fay
of Shalott Camelot